conversion mysql
le 20/05/2009 à 18:17
hello, my web hosting uses mysql 4.0.24. on my localhost, i use mysql 4.1.9. So when i want to transfert from local to web server, i got error (normal). I ask the web hosting to upgrade, of course they answer they can not. I'm in china, i would like not change provider. So i look for solution. maybe i can use my mysql and convert in 4.0.24. Can I?
Thank you for your help.
What kind of error do you have ?
le 21/05/2009 à 07:25
Hy LA globule
I got this error :
A database error occured when running query :
create table 'jos_banner' (....
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MYSQL server version for the right syntax to use near \'DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1\' at line 1 SQL=CREATE TABLE 'jos_banner' ('bid' int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment........
Looks conversion error betwenn both version. The server has lower version than my local. But I don't find this version to install in my local. Maybe there is a tool to convert.
le 21/05/2009 à 09:37
Are you working with Joomla ?
Anyway, isn't it because you try to overwrite the tables ? They are already created online and in the file you extracted for your localhost there is a CREATE tables code...
Le PHP --> C'est dur !
le 21/05/2009 à 11:06
yes i work with joomla. :)
i copy my database from my local, and put on server. So how can happen to copy 2 times? cause I can not have 2 times on local, right?
Is your online database empty ? If no, drop all the tables.
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