XOR training
This example shows how to train data for XOR function
Exemple #1 Simple train
<?php $num_input = 2; $num_output = 1; $num_layers = 3; $num_neurons_hidden = 3; $desired_error = 0.001; $max_epochs = 500000; $epochs_between_reports = 1000; $ann = fann_create_standard($num_layers, $num_input, $num_neurons_hidden, $num_output); if ($ann) { fann_set_activation_function_hidden($ann, FANN_SIGMOID_SYMMETRIC); fann_set_activation_function_output($ann, FANN_SIGMOID_SYMMETRIC); $filename = dirname(__FILE__) . "/xor.data"; if (fann_train_on_file($ann, $filename, $max_epochs, $epochs_between_reports, $desired_error)) fann_save($ann, dirname(__FILE__) . "/xor_float.net"); fann_destroy($ann); } ?>
This example shows how to read and run data for XOR function
Exemple #2 Simple test
<?php $train_file = (dirname(__FILE__) . "/xor_float.net"); if (!is_file($train_file)) die("The file xor_float.net has not been created! Please run simple_train.php to generate it"); $ann = fann_create_from_file($train_file); if (!$ann) die("ANN could not be created"); $input = array(-1, 1); $calc_out = fann_run($ann, $input); printf("xor test (%f,%f) -> %f\n", $input[0], $input[1], $calc_out[0]); fann_destroy($ann); ?>