(PHP 5.5.0, PECL >= 3.0.0a1)
IntlCalendar::getLeastMaximum — Get the smallest local maximum for a field
public int IntlCalendar::getLeastMaximum
( int
)Returns the smallest local maximumw for a field. This should be a value smaller or equal to that returned by IntlCalendar::getActualMaxmimum(), which is in its turn smaller or equal to that returned by IntlCalendar::getMaximum().
Liste de paramètres
Une constantes de champ date/heure IntlCalendar. Ceux sont des valeurs entières comprises entre 0 et
Valeurs de retour
An int representing a field value in the fieldʼs
unit ou FALSE
si une erreur survient.
Exemple #1 Maxima examples
<?php ini_set('date.timezone', 'UTC'); ini_set('intl.default_locale', 'it_IT'); $cal = new IntlGregorianCalendar(2013, 3 /* April */, 6); var_dump($cal->getLeastMaximum(IntlCalendar::FIELD_DAY_OF_MONTH), //28 $cal->getActualMaximum(IntlCalendar::FIELD_DAY_OF_MONTH), //30 $cal->getMaximum(IntlCalendar::FIELD_DAY_OF_MONTH)); //31
L'exemple ci-dessus va afficher :
int(28) int(30) int(31)
Voir aussi
- IntlCalendar::getActualMaximum() - The maximum value for a field, considering the objectʼs current time
- IntlCalendar::getMaximum() - Get the global maximum value for a field
- IntlCalendar::getGreatestMinimum() - Get the largest local minimum value for a field