
(PHP 5.5.0, PECL >= 3.0.0a1)

IntlCalendar::getRepeatedWallTimeOptionGet behavior for handling repeating wall time


public int IntlCalendar::getRepeatedWallTimeOption ( void )

Gets the current strategy for dealing with wall times that are repeated whenever the clock is set back during dailight saving time end transitions. The default value is IntlCalendar::WALLTIME_LAST.

Liste de paramètres

Cette fonction ne contient aucun paramètre.

Valeurs de retour

One of the constants IntlCalendar::WALLTIME_FIRST or IntlCalendar::WALLTIME_LAST.


Exemple #1 IntlCalendar::getRepeatedWallTimeOption()

ini_set('date.timezone', 'Europe/Lisbon');
ini_set('intl.default_locale', 'en_US');
ini_set('intl.error_level', E_WARNING);

//On October 27th at 0200, the clock goes back 1 hour and from GMT+01 to GMT+00
$cal = new IntlGregorianCalendar(2013, 9 /* October */, 27, 1, 30);

var_dump($cal->getRepeatedWalltimeOption()); // 0 WALLTIME_LAST

$formatter = IntlDateFormatter::create(NULL, IntlDateFormatter::FULL,
		IntlDateFormatter::FULL, 'UTC');
var_dump($formatter->format($cal->getTime() / 1000.));

var_dump($cal->getRepeatedWalltimeOption()); // 1 WALLTIME_FIRST
$cal->set(IntlCalendar::FIELD_HOUR_OF_DAY, 1);

var_dump($formatter->format($cal->getTime() / 1000.));

L'exemple ci-dessus va afficher :

string(42) "Sunday, October 27, 2013 at 1:30:00 AM GMT"
string(43) "Sunday, October 27, 2013 at 12:30:00 AM GMT"

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