Chris Shiflett publie le calendrier de l'Avent PHP, avec des astuces d'experts PHP pour tout le monde.
- Helgi Þormar Þorbjörnsson : First-Class APIs
- Paul Reinheimer : Profiling with XHGui
- Ed Finkler : The Thing with the Two Heads
- Lorna Mitchell : Code for Today
- Stoyan Stefanov : JavaScript for PHP Developers
- First-Class APIs
- Profiling with XHGui
- The Thing with the Two Heads
- Code for Today
- JavaScript for PHP Developers
- Helgi Þormar Þorbjörnsson : First-Class APIs
- Paul Reinheimer : Profiling with XHGui
- Ed Finkler : The Thing with the Two Heads
- Lorna Mitchell : Code for Today
- Stoyan Stefanov : JavaScript for PHP Developers
- First-Class APIs
- Profiling with XHGui
- The Thing with the Two Heads
- Code for Today
- JavaScript for PHP Developers