le 02/11/2009 à 14:27
salut tout le monde j'ai une erreur avec joomlafish tout les page sont traduit du eng en francais mais mais il saffiche l'erreur suivante sous le le banners: "Notice: Undefined index: in c:\program files\easyphp1-8\www\site\components\com_joomfish\helpers\joomfish.class.php on line 199
Notice: Undefined index: in c:\program files\easyphp1-8\www\site\components\com_joomfish\helpers\joomfish.class.php on line 215"
voici le code "
defined( 'JPATH_BASE' ) or die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' );
// backwards compatability hack!
global $mambelfishWarnedAdmin;
class MambelFish{
function warnAdmin(){
global $adminEmail,$mambelfishWarnedAdmin;
if (!$mambelfishWarnedAdmin) {
$bt = debug_backtrace();
if (count($bt)>=2){
$subject = "Deprecated use of Mambelfish Translation";
$content = "Deprecated use of Mambelfish. Request URL : ".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']."\n\n";
$content .= "Please contact the author of this component/module/mambot with the details in this message.\n\n";
$content .= "In the meantime the following function reference can be commented out and translation should not be affected.\n";
$content .= "File : ".basename(dirname($bt[1]["file"]))."\\".basename($bt[1]["file"])."\n";
$content .= "Line : ".$bt[1]["line"]."\n";
$content .= "Function : ".$bt[1]["function"]."\n\n";
if ( $privateWarning) {
global $my ;
$db =& JFactory::getDBO();
require_once( mosMainFrame::getBasePath() .'/components/com_messages/messages.class.php' );
$query = "SELECT id"
. "\n FROM #__users"
. "\n WHERE sendEmail = 1"
$db->setQuery( $query );
$users = $db->loadResultArray(false);
foreach ($users as $user_id) {
$msg = new mosMessage( $db );
// send message from admin
$msg->send( $user_id, $user_id, $subject, $content);
else {
$content = str_replace("\n","<br/>",$content);
echo "$content";
function translate( $content, $reference_table, $language, $tableArray=array()) { MambelFish::warnAdmin(); return $content;}
function translateList( $rows, $reference_table, $language , $tableArray) { MambelFish::warnAdmin(); return $rows;}
class JoomFish {
function translateListCached ($rows, $language , $tableArray) {
JoomFish::translateList($rows, $language , $tableArray);
return $rows;
* Translate a list
function translateList( &$rows, $language , $tableArray) {
if (!isset($rows) || !is_array($rows)) return $rows;
$registry =& JFactory::getConfig();
$defaultLang = $registry->getValue("config.defaultlang");
$db =& JFactory::getDBO();
$querySQL = $db->_sql;
// do not try to translate if I have no fields!!!
if (!isset($tableArray) || count($tableArray)==0) {
//echo "$tableArray $querySQL<br>";
// If I write content in non-default language then this skips the translation!
//if($language == $defaultLang) return $rows;
$rowsLanguage = $language;
if (count($rows)>0){
foreach ($tableArray["fieldTablePairs"] as $key=>$value){
$reftable = $tableArray["fieldTablePairs"][$key];
$alias = $tableArray["tableAliases"][$reftable];
// If there is not translated content for this table then skip it!
if (!$db->translatedContentAvailable($reftable)) continue;
// get primary key for tablename
$idkey = $_JOOMFISH_MANAGER->getPrimaryKey( trim($reftable) );
// I actually need to check the primary key against the alias list!
for ($i=0;$i<$tableArray["fieldCount"];$i++){
if (!array_key_exists($i,$tableArray["fieldTableAliasData"])) continue;
// look for fields from the correct table with the correct name
if (($tableArray["fieldTableAliasData"][$i]["tableName"]==$reftable) &&
&& ($tableArray["fieldTableAliasData"][$i]["tableNameAlias"]==$alias)){
// NASTY KLUDGE TO DEAL WITH SQL CONSTRUCTION IN contact.php, weblinks.php where multiple tables to be translated all use "id" which gets dropped! etc.
if ($reftable=='categories' && isset($content->catid) && $content->catid>0) {
$idkey = "catid";
if ($reftable=='sections' && count($rows)>0 && isset($content->sectionid) && $content->sectionid>0) {
$idkey = "sectionid";
$idstring = "";
$idlist = array(); // temp variable to make sure all ids in idstring are unique (for neatness more than performance)
foreach( array_keys( $rows) as $key ) {
$content =& $rows[$key];
if (isset($content->$idkey) && !in_array($content->$idkey,$idlist)) {
//print ($idkey ." ".$content->$idkey." list<br>");
$idstring .= (strlen( $idstring)>0?",":""). $content->$idkey;
$idlist[] = $content->$idkey;
if (strlen( $idstring)==0) continue;
JoomFish::translateListWithIDs( $rows, $idstring, $reftable, $language ,$idkey, $tableArray, $querySQL);
function translateListWithIDs( &$rows, $ids, $reference_table, $language, $refTablePrimaryKey="id", & $tableArray, $querySQL, $allowfallback=true )
//print " translateListWithIDs for ids=$ids refTablePrimaryKey=$refTablePrimaryKey<br>" ;
$config =& JFactory::getConfig();
$debug = $config->get("dbprefix");
$registry =& JFactory::getConfig();
$defaultLang = $registry->getValue("config.defaultlang");
$db =& JFactory::getDBO();
// setup Joomfish pluginds
$dispatcher =& JDispatcher::getInstance();
if ($reference_table == "languages" || $reference_table == "jf_content" ) {
return; // I can't translate myself ;-)
$results = $dispatcher->trigger('onBeforeTranslation', array (&$rows, &$ids, $reference_table, $language, $refTablePrimaryKey, & $tableArray, $querySQL, $allowfallback));
// find reference table alias
$reftableAlias = $reference_table;
for ($i=0;$i<$tableArray["fieldCount"];$i++){
if (!array_key_exists($i,$tableArray["fieldTableAliasData"])) continue;
if ($tableArray["fieldTableAliasData"][$i]["tableName"]==$reference_table &&
$tableArray["fieldTableAliasData"][$i]["fieldNameAlias"]==$refTablePrimaryKey ){
$reftableAlias = $tableArray["fieldTableAliasData"][$i]["tableNameAlias"];
// NASTY KLUDGE TO DEAL WITH SQL CONSTRUCTION IN contact.php, weblinks.php where multiple tables to be translated all use "id" which gets dropped! etc.
$currentRow = current($rows);
// must not check on catid>0 since this would be uncategorised items
if ($reference_table=='categories' && count($rows)>0 && isset($currentRow->catid) ) {
$reftableAlias = $tableArray["tableAliases"]["categories"];
if ($reference_table=='sections' && count($rows)>0 && isset($currentRow->sectionid)) {
$reftableAlias = $tableArray["tableAliases"]["sections"];
//print " translateListWithIDs( ".count($rows). ", ids=$ids, reftab=$reference_table, $language, primkey = $refTablePrimaryKey )<br>";
if ($debug) {
echo "<p><strong>JoomFish debug (new):</strong><br>"
. "reference_table=$reference_table<br>"
. "$refTablePrimaryKey IN($ids)<br>"
. "language=$language<br>"
.(count($rows)>0? "class=" .get_class(current($rows)):"")
. "</p>";
static $languages;
if (!isset($languages)){
$jfm = JoomFishManager::getInstance();
$languages = $jfm->getLanguagesIndexedByCode();
// process fallback language
$idarray = explode(",",$ids);
if ($languages[$language]->fallback_code==""){
else {
$fallbacklanguage = $languages[$language]->fallback_code;
if (!array_key_exists($fallbacklanguage, $languages)){
if (isset($ids) && $reference_table!='') {
$user =& JFactory::getUser();
$published = ($user->gid<21)?"\n AND jf_content.published=1":"";
//$published = "\n AND jf_content.published=1";
$sql = "SELECT jf_content.reference_field, jf_content.value, jf_content.reference_id, jf_content.original_value "
. "\nFROM #__jf_content AS jf_content"
. "\nWHERE jf_content.language_id=".$languages[$language]->id
. $published
. "\n AND jf_content.reference_id IN($ids)"
. "\n AND jf_content.reference_table='$reference_table'"
$db->setQuery( $sql );
$translations = $db->loadObjectList('',false);
if (count($translations)>0){
$fieldmap = null;
foreach( array_keys( $rows) as $key ) {
$row_to_translate =& $rows[$key];
//print_r ($row_to_translate); print"<br>";
if( isset( $row_to_translate->$refTablePrimaryKey ) ) {
foreach ($translations as $row){
if ($row->reference_id!=$row_to_translate->$refTablePrimaryKey) continue;
// TODO - consider building array for refFields. Some queries may have multiple aliases e.g. SELECT a.*, a.field as fieldalias
$refField = $row->reference_field;
$fieldmatch=false; // This is used to confirm the field is from the correct table
for ($i=0;$i<$tableArray["fieldCount"];$i++){
if (!array_key_exists($i,$tableArray["fieldTableAliasData"])) continue;
// look for fields from the correct table with the correct name
if ($tableArray["fieldTableAliasData"][$i]["tableName"]==$reference_table &&
$tableArray["fieldTableAliasData"][$i]["fieldName"]==$refField &&
$tableArray["fieldTableAliasData"][$i]["tableNameAlias"] == $reftableAlias){
$fieldIndex = $i;
if ($fieldmatch && isset( $row->reference_id) && $row->reference_id==$row_to_translate->$refTablePrimaryKey && $fieldIndex<=$tableArray["fieldCount"]){
if (is_subclass_of($row_to_translate, 'mosDBTable')) {
$row_to_translate->set($row->reference_field, $row->value);
} else {
$row_to_translate->$refField = $row->value;
//print_r( $row_to_translate);
if (!$rowTranslationExists){
if ($allowfallback && isset($rows[$key]->$refTablePrimaryKey)){
$fallbackrows[$key] =& $rows[$key];
$fallbackids[$key] = $rows[$key]->$refTablePrimaryKey;
else {
$results = $dispatcher->trigger('onMissingTranslation', array (&$row_to_translate, $language,$reference_table, $tableArray, $querySQL));
//JoomFish::processMissingTranslation($row_to_translate, $language,$reference_table);
else {
foreach( array_keys( $rows ) as $key ) {
if ($allowfallback && isset($rows[$key]->$refTablePrimaryKey)){
$fallbackrows[$key] =& $rows[$key];
$fallbackids[$key] = $rows[$key]->$refTablePrimaryKey;
else {
$results = $dispatcher->trigger('onMissingTranslation', array (&$rows[$key], $language,$reference_table, $tableArray, $querySQL));
//JoomFish::processMissingTranslation($rows[$key], $language,$reference_table);
if ($allowfallback && count($fallbackrows)>0 ){
$fallbackids = implode($fallbackids,",");
JoomFish::translateListWithIDs( $fallbackrows, $fallbackids, $reference_table, $fallbacklanguage, $refTablePrimaryKey, $tableArray,$querySQL, false);
$dispatcher->trigger('onAfterTranslation', array (&$rows, $ids, $reference_table, $language, $refTablePrimaryKey, $tableArray, $querySQL, $allowfallback));
function _contentElementFields($reference_table){
static $info;
if (!isset($info)){
$info = array();
if (!isset($info[$reference_table])){
$cacheDir = JPATH_CACHE;
$cacheFile = $cacheDir."/".$reference_table."_cefields.cache";
if (file_exists($cacheFile)){
$cacheFileContent = file_get_contents($cacheFile);
$info[$reference_table] = unserialize($cacheFileContent);
else {
$jfm =& JoomFishManager::getInstance();
$contentElement = $jfm->getContentElement( $reference_table );
// The language is not relevant for this function so just use the current language
$registry =& JFactory::getConfig();
$lang = $registry->getValue("config.jflang");
JLoader::import( 'models.ContentObject',JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.DS."components".DS."com_joomfish");
$contentObject = new ContentObject( $jfm->getLanguageID($lang), $contentElement );
$textFields = $contentObject->getTextFields();
$info[$reference_table]["textFields"] = $textFields ;
$info[$reference_table]["fieldTypes"] = array();
if( $textFields !== null ) {
$defaultSet = false;
foreach ($textFields as $field) {
$info[$reference_table]["fieldTypes"][$field] = $contentObject->getFieldType($field);
$cacheFileContent = serialize($info[$reference_table]);
$handle = @fopen($cacheFile,"w");
if ($handle){
return $info[$reference_table];
* Version information of the component
* @author Alex Kempkens
function version() {
return JoomFishManager :: getVersion();
Notice: Undefined index: in c:\program files\easyphp1-8\www\site\components\com_joomfish\helpers\joomfish.class.php on line 215"
voici le code "
defined( 'JPATH_BASE' ) or die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' );
// backwards compatability hack!
global $mambelfishWarnedAdmin;
class MambelFish{
function warnAdmin(){
global $adminEmail,$mambelfishWarnedAdmin;
if (!$mambelfishWarnedAdmin) {
$bt = debug_backtrace();
if (count($bt)>=2){
$subject = "Deprecated use of Mambelfish Translation";
$content = "Deprecated use of Mambelfish. Request URL : ".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']."\n\n";
$content .= "Please contact the author of this component/module/mambot with the details in this message.\n\n";
$content .= "In the meantime the following function reference can be commented out and translation should not be affected.\n";
$content .= "File : ".basename(dirname($bt[1]["file"]))."\\".basename($bt[1]["file"])."\n";
$content .= "Line : ".$bt[1]["line"]."\n";
$content .= "Function : ".$bt[1]["function"]."\n\n";
if ( $privateWarning) {
global $my ;
$db =& JFactory::getDBO();
require_once( mosMainFrame::getBasePath() .'/components/com_messages/messages.class.php' );
$query = "SELECT id"
. "\n FROM #__users"
. "\n WHERE sendEmail = 1"
$db->setQuery( $query );
$users = $db->loadResultArray(false);
foreach ($users as $user_id) {
$msg = new mosMessage( $db );
// send message from admin
$msg->send( $user_id, $user_id, $subject, $content);
else {
$content = str_replace("\n","<br/>",$content);
echo "$content";
function translate( $content, $reference_table, $language, $tableArray=array()) { MambelFish::warnAdmin(); return $content;}
function translateList( $rows, $reference_table, $language , $tableArray) { MambelFish::warnAdmin(); return $rows;}
class JoomFish {
function translateListCached ($rows, $language , $tableArray) {
JoomFish::translateList($rows, $language , $tableArray);
return $rows;
* Translate a list
function translateList( &$rows, $language , $tableArray) {
if (!isset($rows) || !is_array($rows)) return $rows;
$registry =& JFactory::getConfig();
$defaultLang = $registry->getValue("config.defaultlang");
$db =& JFactory::getDBO();
$querySQL = $db->_sql;
// do not try to translate if I have no fields!!!
if (!isset($tableArray) || count($tableArray)==0) {
//echo "$tableArray $querySQL<br>";
// If I write content in non-default language then this skips the translation!
//if($language == $defaultLang) return $rows;
$rowsLanguage = $language;
if (count($rows)>0){
foreach ($tableArray["fieldTablePairs"] as $key=>$value){
$reftable = $tableArray["fieldTablePairs"][$key];
$alias = $tableArray["tableAliases"][$reftable];
// If there is not translated content for this table then skip it!
if (!$db->translatedContentAvailable($reftable)) continue;
// get primary key for tablename
$idkey = $_JOOMFISH_MANAGER->getPrimaryKey( trim($reftable) );
// I actually need to check the primary key against the alias list!
for ($i=0;$i<$tableArray["fieldCount"];$i++){
if (!array_key_exists($i,$tableArray["fieldTableAliasData"])) continue;
// look for fields from the correct table with the correct name
if (($tableArray["fieldTableAliasData"][$i]["tableName"]==$reftable) &&
&& ($tableArray["fieldTableAliasData"][$i]["tableNameAlias"]==$alias)){
// NASTY KLUDGE TO DEAL WITH SQL CONSTRUCTION IN contact.php, weblinks.php where multiple tables to be translated all use "id" which gets dropped! etc.
if ($reftable=='categories' && isset($content->catid) && $content->catid>0) {
$idkey = "catid";
if ($reftable=='sections' && count($rows)>0 && isset($content->sectionid) && $content->sectionid>0) {
$idkey = "sectionid";
$idstring = "";
$idlist = array(); // temp variable to make sure all ids in idstring are unique (for neatness more than performance)
foreach( array_keys( $rows) as $key ) {
$content =& $rows[$key];
if (isset($content->$idkey) && !in_array($content->$idkey,$idlist)) {
//print ($idkey ." ".$content->$idkey." list<br>");
$idstring .= (strlen( $idstring)>0?",":""). $content->$idkey;
$idlist[] = $content->$idkey;
if (strlen( $idstring)==0) continue;
JoomFish::translateListWithIDs( $rows, $idstring, $reftable, $language ,$idkey, $tableArray, $querySQL);
function translateListWithIDs( &$rows, $ids, $reference_table, $language, $refTablePrimaryKey="id", & $tableArray, $querySQL, $allowfallback=true )
//print " translateListWithIDs for ids=$ids refTablePrimaryKey=$refTablePrimaryKey<br>" ;
$config =& JFactory::getConfig();
$debug = $config->get("dbprefix");
$registry =& JFactory::getConfig();
$defaultLang = $registry->getValue("config.defaultlang");
$db =& JFactory::getDBO();
// setup Joomfish pluginds
$dispatcher =& JDispatcher::getInstance();
if ($reference_table == "languages" || $reference_table == "jf_content" ) {
return; // I can't translate myself ;-)
$results = $dispatcher->trigger('onBeforeTranslation', array (&$rows, &$ids, $reference_table, $language, $refTablePrimaryKey, & $tableArray, $querySQL, $allowfallback));
// find reference table alias
$reftableAlias = $reference_table;
for ($i=0;$i<$tableArray["fieldCount"];$i++){
if (!array_key_exists($i,$tableArray["fieldTableAliasData"])) continue;
if ($tableArray["fieldTableAliasData"][$i]["tableName"]==$reference_table &&
$tableArray["fieldTableAliasData"][$i]["fieldNameAlias"]==$refTablePrimaryKey ){
$reftableAlias = $tableArray["fieldTableAliasData"][$i]["tableNameAlias"];
// NASTY KLUDGE TO DEAL WITH SQL CONSTRUCTION IN contact.php, weblinks.php where multiple tables to be translated all use "id" which gets dropped! etc.
$currentRow = current($rows);
// must not check on catid>0 since this would be uncategorised items
if ($reference_table=='categories' && count($rows)>0 && isset($currentRow->catid) ) {
$reftableAlias = $tableArray["tableAliases"]["categories"];
if ($reference_table=='sections' && count($rows)>0 && isset($currentRow->sectionid)) {
$reftableAlias = $tableArray["tableAliases"]["sections"];
//print " translateListWithIDs( ".count($rows). ", ids=$ids, reftab=$reference_table, $language, primkey = $refTablePrimaryKey )<br>";
if ($debug) {
echo "<p><strong>JoomFish debug (new):</strong><br>"
. "reference_table=$reference_table<br>"
. "$refTablePrimaryKey IN($ids)<br>"
. "language=$language<br>"
.(count($rows)>0? "class=" .get_class(current($rows)):"")
. "</p>";
static $languages;
if (!isset($languages)){
$jfm = JoomFishManager::getInstance();
$languages = $jfm->getLanguagesIndexedByCode();
// process fallback language
$idarray = explode(",",$ids);
if ($languages[$language]->fallback_code==""){
else {
$fallbacklanguage = $languages[$language]->fallback_code;
if (!array_key_exists($fallbacklanguage, $languages)){
if (isset($ids) && $reference_table!='') {
$user =& JFactory::getUser();
$published = ($user->gid<21)?"\n AND jf_content.published=1":"";
//$published = "\n AND jf_content.published=1";
$sql = "SELECT jf_content.reference_field, jf_content.value, jf_content.reference_id, jf_content.original_value "
. "\nFROM #__jf_content AS jf_content"
. "\nWHERE jf_content.language_id=".$languages[$language]->id
. $published
. "\n AND jf_content.reference_id IN($ids)"
. "\n AND jf_content.reference_table='$reference_table'"
$db->setQuery( $sql );
$translations = $db->loadObjectList('',false);
if (count($translations)>0){
$fieldmap = null;
foreach( array_keys( $rows) as $key ) {
$row_to_translate =& $rows[$key];
//print_r ($row_to_translate); print"<br>";
if( isset( $row_to_translate->$refTablePrimaryKey ) ) {
foreach ($translations as $row){
if ($row->reference_id!=$row_to_translate->$refTablePrimaryKey) continue;
// TODO - consider building array for refFields. Some queries may have multiple aliases e.g. SELECT a.*, a.field as fieldalias
$refField = $row->reference_field;
$fieldmatch=false; // This is used to confirm the field is from the correct table
for ($i=0;$i<$tableArray["fieldCount"];$i++){
if (!array_key_exists($i,$tableArray["fieldTableAliasData"])) continue;
// look for fields from the correct table with the correct name
if ($tableArray["fieldTableAliasData"][$i]["tableName"]==$reference_table &&
$tableArray["fieldTableAliasData"][$i]["fieldName"]==$refField &&
$tableArray["fieldTableAliasData"][$i]["tableNameAlias"] == $reftableAlias){
$fieldIndex = $i;
if ($fieldmatch && isset( $row->reference_id) && $row->reference_id==$row_to_translate->$refTablePrimaryKey && $fieldIndex<=$tableArray["fieldCount"]){
if (is_subclass_of($row_to_translate, 'mosDBTable')) {
$row_to_translate->set($row->reference_field, $row->value);
} else {
$row_to_translate->$refField = $row->value;
//print_r( $row_to_translate);
if (!$rowTranslationExists){
if ($allowfallback && isset($rows[$key]->$refTablePrimaryKey)){
$fallbackrows[$key] =& $rows[$key];
$fallbackids[$key] = $rows[$key]->$refTablePrimaryKey;
else {
$results = $dispatcher->trigger('onMissingTranslation', array (&$row_to_translate, $language,$reference_table, $tableArray, $querySQL));
//JoomFish::processMissingTranslation($row_to_translate, $language,$reference_table);
else {
foreach( array_keys( $rows ) as $key ) {
if ($allowfallback && isset($rows[$key]->$refTablePrimaryKey)){
$fallbackrows[$key] =& $rows[$key];
$fallbackids[$key] = $rows[$key]->$refTablePrimaryKey;
else {
$results = $dispatcher->trigger('onMissingTranslation', array (&$rows[$key], $language,$reference_table, $tableArray, $querySQL));
//JoomFish::processMissingTranslation($rows[$key], $language,$reference_table);
if ($allowfallback && count($fallbackrows)>0 ){
$fallbackids = implode($fallbackids,",");
JoomFish::translateListWithIDs( $fallbackrows, $fallbackids, $reference_table, $fallbacklanguage, $refTablePrimaryKey, $tableArray,$querySQL, false);
$dispatcher->trigger('onAfterTranslation', array (&$rows, $ids, $reference_table, $language, $refTablePrimaryKey, $tableArray, $querySQL, $allowfallback));
function _contentElementFields($reference_table){
static $info;
if (!isset($info)){
$info = array();
if (!isset($info[$reference_table])){
$cacheDir = JPATH_CACHE;
$cacheFile = $cacheDir."/".$reference_table."_cefields.cache";
if (file_exists($cacheFile)){
$cacheFileContent = file_get_contents($cacheFile);
$info[$reference_table] = unserialize($cacheFileContent);
else {
$jfm =& JoomFishManager::getInstance();
$contentElement = $jfm->getContentElement( $reference_table );
// The language is not relevant for this function so just use the current language
$registry =& JFactory::getConfig();
$lang = $registry->getValue("config.jflang");
JLoader::import( 'models.ContentObject',JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.DS."components".DS."com_joomfish");
$contentObject = new ContentObject( $jfm->getLanguageID($lang), $contentElement );
$textFields = $contentObject->getTextFields();
$info[$reference_table]["textFields"] = $textFields ;
$info[$reference_table]["fieldTypes"] = array();
if( $textFields !== null ) {
$defaultSet = false;
foreach ($textFields as $field) {
$info[$reference_table]["fieldTypes"][$field] = $contentObject->getFieldType($field);
$cacheFileContent = serialize($info[$reference_table]);
$handle = @fopen($cacheFile,"w");
if ($handle){
return $info[$reference_table];
* Version information of the component
* @author Alex Kempkens
function version() {
return JoomFishManager :: getVersion();