le 02/11/2009 à 14:27
Erreur du code joomla fish
salut tout le monde j'ai une erreur avec joomlafish tout les page sont traduit du eng en francais mais mais il saffiche l'erreur suivante sous le le banners: "Notice: Undefined index: in c:\program files\easyphp1-8\www\site\components\com_joomfish\helpers\joomfish.class.php on line 199
Notice: Undefined index: in c:\program files\easyphp1-8\www\site\components\com_joomfish\helpers\joomfish.class.php on line 215"
voici le code "
defined( 'JPATH_BASE' ) or die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' );
// backwards compatability hack!
global $mambelfishWarnedAdmin;
class MambelFish{
function warnAdmin(){
global $adminEmail,$mambelfishWarnedAdmin;
if (!$mambelfishWarnedAdmin) {
$bt = debug_backtrace();
if (count($bt)>=2){
$subject = "Deprecated use of Mambelfish Translation";
$content = "Deprecated use of Mambelfish. Request URL : ".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']."\n\n";
$content .= "Please contact the author of this component/module/mambot with the details in this message.\n\n";
$content .= "In the meantime the following function reference can be commented out and translation should not be affected.\n";
$content .= "File : ".basename(dirname($bt[1]["file"]))."\\".basename($bt[1]["file"])."\n";
$content .= "Line : ".$bt[1]["line"]."\n";
$content .= "Function : ".$bt[1]["function"]."\n\n";
if ( $privateWarning) {
global $my ;
$db =& JFactory::getDBO();
require_once( mosMainFrame::getBasePath() .'/components/com_messages/messages.class.php' );
$query = "SELECT id"
. "\n FROM #__users"
. "\n WHERE sendEmail = 1"
$db->setQuery( $query );
$users = $db->loadResultArray(false);
foreach ($users as $user_id) {
$msg = new mosMessage( $db );
// send message from admin
$msg->send( $user_id, $user_id, $subject, $content);
else {
$content = str_replace("\n","<br/>",$content);
echo "$content";
function translate( $content, $reference_table, $language, $tableArray=array()) { MambelFish::warnAdmin(); return $content;}
function translateList( $rows, $reference_table, $language , $tableArray) { MambelFish::warnAdmin(); return $rows;}
class JoomFish {
function translateListCached ($rows, $language , $tableArray) {
JoomFish::translateList($rows, $language , $tableArray);
return $rows;
* Translate a list
function translateList( &$rows, $language , $tableArray) {
if (!isset($rows) || !is_array($rows)) return $rows;
$registry =& JFactory::getConfig();
$defaultLang = $registry->getValue("config.defaultlang");
$db =& JFactory::getDBO();
$querySQL = $db->_sql;
// do not try to translate if I have no fields!!!
if (!isset($tableArray) || count($tableArray)==0) {
//echo "$tableArray $querySQL<br>";
// If I write content in non-default language then this skips the translation!
//if($language == $defaultLang) return $rows;
$rowsLanguage = $language;
if (count($rows)>0){
foreach ($tableArray["fieldTablePairs"] as $key=>$value){
$reftable = $tableArray["fieldTablePairs"][$key];
$alias = $tableArray["tableAliases"][$reftable];
// If there is not translated content for this table then skip it!
if (!$db->translatedContentAvailable($reftable)) continue;
// get primary key for tablename
$idkey = $_JOOMFISH_MANAGER->getPrimaryKey( trim($reftable) );
// I actually need to check the primary key against the alias list!
for ($i=0;$i<$tableArray["fieldCount"];$i++){
if (!array_key_exists($i,$tableArray["fieldTableAliasData"])) continue;
// look for fields from the correct table with the correct name
if (($tableArray["fieldTableAliasData"][$i]["tableName"]==$reftable) &&
&& ($tableArray["fieldTableAliasData"][$i]["tableNameAlias"]==$alias)){
// NASTY KLUDGE TO DEAL WITH SQL CONSTRUCTION IN contact.php, weblinks.php where multiple tables to be translated all use "id" which gets dropped! etc.
if ($reftable=='categories' && isset($content->catid) && $content->catid>0) {
$idkey = "catid";
if ($reftable=='sections' && count($rows)>0 && isset($content->sectionid) && $content->sectionid>0) {
$idkey = "sectionid";
$idstring = "";
$idlist = array(); // temp variable to make sure all ids in idstring are unique (for neatness more than performance)
foreach( array_keys( $rows) as $key ) {
$content =& $rows[$key];
if (isset($content->$idkey) && !in_array($content->$idkey,$idlist)) {
//print ($idkey ." ".$content->$idkey." list<br>");
$idstring .= (strlen( $idstring)>0?",":""). $content->$idkey;
$idlist[] = $content->$idkey;
if (strlen( $idstring)==0) continue;
JoomFish::translateListWithIDs( $rows, $idstring, $reftable, $language ,$idkey, $tableArray, $querySQL);
function translateListWithIDs( &$rows, $ids, $reference_table, $language, $refTablePrimaryKey="id", & $tableArray, $querySQL, $allowfallback=true )
//print " translateListWithIDs for ids=$ids refTablePrimaryKey=$refTablePrimaryKey<br>" ;
$config =& JFactory::getConfig();
$debug = $config->get("dbprefix");
$registry =& JFactory::getConfig();
$defaultLang = $registry->getValue("config.defaultlang");
$db =& JFactory::getDBO();
// setup Joomfish pluginds
$dispatcher =& JDispatcher::getInstance();
if ($reference_table == "languages" || $reference_table == "jf_content" ) {
return; // I can't translate myself ;-)
$results = $dispatcher->trigger('onBeforeTranslation', array (&$rows, &$ids, $reference_table, $language, $refTablePrimaryKey, & $tableArray, $querySQL, $allowfallback));
// find reference table alias
$reftableAlias = $reference_table;
for ($i=0;$i<$tableArray["fieldCount"];$i++){
if (!array_key_exists($i,$tableArray["fieldTableAliasData"])) continue;
if ($tableArray["fieldTableAliasData"][$i]["tableName"]==$reference_table &&
$tableArray["fieldTableAliasData"][$i]["fieldNameAlias"]==$refTablePrimaryKey ){
$reftableAlias = $tableArray["fieldTableAliasData"][$i]["tableNameAlias"];
// NASTY KLUDGE TO DEAL WITH SQL CONSTRUCTION IN contact.php, weblinks.php where multiple tables to be translated all use "id" which gets dropped! etc.
$currentRow = current($rows);
// must not check on catid>0 since this would be uncategorised items
if ($reference_table=='categories' && count($rows)>0 && isset($currentRow->catid) ) {
$reftableAlias = $tableArray["tableAliases"]["categories"];
if ($reference_table=='sections' && count($rows)>0 && isset($currentRow->sectionid)) {
$reftableAlias = $tableArray["tableAliases"]["sections"];
//print " translateListWithIDs( ".count($rows). ", ids=$ids, reftab=$reference_table, $language, primkey = $refTablePrimaryKey )<br>";
if ($debug) {
echo "<p><strong>JoomFish debug (new):</strong><br>"
. "reference_table=$reference_table<br>"
. "$refTablePrimaryKey IN($ids)<br>"
. "language=$language<br>"
.(count($rows)>0? "class=" .get_class(current($rows)):"")
. "</p>";
static $languages;
if (!isset($languages)){
$jfm = JoomFishManager::getInstance();
$languages = $jfm->getLanguagesIndexedByCode();
// process fallback language
$idarray = explode(",",$ids);
if ($languages[$language]->fallback_code==""){
else {
$fallbacklanguage = $languages[$language]->fallback_code;
if (!array_key_exists($fallbacklanguage, $languages)){
if (isset($ids) && $reference_table!='') {
$user =& JFactory::getUser();
$published = ($user->gid<21)?"\n AND jf_content.published=1":"";
//$published = "\n AND jf_content.published=1";
$sql = "SELECT jf_content.reference_field, jf_content.value, jf_content.reference_id, jf_content.original_value "
. "\nFROM #__jf_content AS jf_content"
. "\nWHERE jf_content.language_id=".$languages[$language]->id
. $published
. "\n AND jf_content.reference_id IN($ids)"
. "\n AND jf_content.reference_table='$reference_table'"
$db->setQuery( $sql );
$translations = $db->loadObjectList('',false);
if (count($translations)>0){
$fieldmap = null;
foreach( array_keys( $rows) as $key ) {
$row_to_translate =& $rows[$key];
//print_r ($row_to_translate); print"<br>";
if( isset( $row_to_translate->$refTablePrimaryKey ) ) {
foreach ($translations as $row){
if ($row->reference_id!=$row_to_translate->$refTablePrimaryKey) continue;
// TODO - consider building array for refFields. Some queries may have multiple aliases e.g. SELECT a.*, a.field as fieldalias
$refField = $row->reference_field;
$fieldmatch=false; // This is used to confirm the field is from the correct table
for ($i=0;$i<$tableArray["fieldCount"];$i++){
if (!array_key_exists($i,$tableArray["fieldTableAliasData"])) continue;
// look for fields from the correct table with the correct name
if ($tableArray["fieldTableAliasData"][$i]["tableName"]==$reference_table &&
$tableArray["fieldTableAliasData"][$i]["fieldName"]==$refField &&
$tableArray["fieldTableAliasData"][$i]["tableNameAlias"] == $reftableAlias){
$fieldIndex = $i;
if ($fieldmatch && isset( $row->reference_id) && $row->reference_id==$row_to_translate->$refTablePrimaryKey && $fieldIndex<=$tableArray["fieldCount"]){
if (is_subclass_of($row_to_translate, 'mosDBTable')) {
$row_to_translate->set($row->reference_field, $row->value);
} else {
$row_to_translate->$refField = $row->value;
//print_r( $row_to_translate);
if (!$rowTranslationExists){
if ($allowfallback && isset($rows[$key]->$refTablePrimaryKey)){
$fallbackrows[$key] =& $rows[$key];
$fallbackids[$key] = $rows[$key]->$refTablePrimaryKey;
else {
$results = $dispatcher->trigger('onMissingTranslation', array (&$row_to_translate, $language,$reference_table, $tableArray, $querySQL));
//JoomFish::processMissingTranslation($row_to_translate, $language,$reference_table);
else {
foreach( array_keys( $rows ) as $key ) {
if ($allowfallback && isset($rows[$key]->$refTablePrimaryKey)){
$fallbackrows[$key] =& $rows[$key];
$fallbackids[$key] = $rows[$key]->$refTablePrimaryKey;
else {
$results = $dispatcher->trigger('onMissingTranslation', array (&$rows[$key], $language,$reference_table, $tableArray, $querySQL));
//JoomFish::processMissingTranslation($rows[$key], $language,$reference_table);
if ($allowfallback && count($fallbackrows)>0 ){
$fallbackids = implode($fallbackids,",");
JoomFish::translateListWithIDs( $fallbackrows, $fallbackids, $reference_table, $fallbacklanguage, $refTablePrimaryKey, $tableArray,$querySQL, false);
$dispatcher->trigger('onAfterTranslation', array (&$rows, $ids, $reference_table, $language, $refTablePrimaryKey, $tableArray, $querySQL, $allowfallback));
function _contentElementFields($reference_table){
static $info;
if (!isset($info)){
$info = array();
if (!isset($info[$reference_table])){
$cacheDir = JPATH_CACHE;
$cacheFile = $cacheDir."/".$reference_table."_cefields.cache";
if (file_exists($cacheFile)){
$cacheFileContent = file_get_contents($cacheFile);
$info[$reference_table] = unserialize($cacheFileContent);
else {
$jfm =& JoomFishManager::getInstance();
$contentElement = $jfm->getContentElement( $reference_table );
// The language is not relevant for this function so just use the current language
$registry =& JFactory::getConfig();
$lang = $registry->getValue("config.jflang");
JLoader::import( 'models.ContentObject',JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.DS."components".DS."com_joomfish");
$contentObject = new ContentObject( $jfm->getLanguageID($lang), $contentElement );
$textFields = $contentObject->getTextFields();
$info[$reference_table]["textFields"] = $textFields ;
$info[$reference_table]["fieldTypes"] = array();
if( $textFields !== null ) {
$defaultSet = false;
foreach ($textFields as $field) {
$info[$reference_table]["fieldTypes"][$field] = $contentObject->getFieldType($field);
$cacheFileContent = serialize($info[$reference_table]);
$handle = @fopen($cacheFile,"w");
if ($handle){
return $info[$reference_table];
* Version information of the component
* @author Alex Kempkens
function version() {
return JoomFishManager :: getVersion();
Notice: Undefined index: in c:\program files\easyphp1-8\www\site\components\com_joomfish\helpers\joomfish.class.php on line 215"
voici le code "
defined( 'JPATH_BASE' ) or die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' );
// backwards compatability hack!
global $mambelfishWarnedAdmin;
class MambelFish{
function warnAdmin(){
global $adminEmail,$mambelfishWarnedAdmin;
if (!$mambelfishWarnedAdmin) {
$bt = debug_backtrace();
if (count($bt)>=2){
$subject = "Deprecated use of Mambelfish Translation";
$content = "Deprecated use of Mambelfish. Request URL : ".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']."\n\n";
$content .= "Please contact the author of this component/module/mambot with the details in this message.\n\n";
$content .= "In the meantime the following function reference can be commented out and translation should not be affected.\n";
$content .= "File : ".basename(dirname($bt[1]["file"]))."\\".basename($bt[1]["file"])."\n";
$content .= "Line : ".$bt[1]["line"]."\n";
$content .= "Function : ".$bt[1]["function"]."\n\n";
if ( $privateWarning) {
global $my ;
$db =& JFactory::getDBO();
require_once( mosMainFrame::getBasePath() .'/components/com_messages/messages.class.php' );
$query = "SELECT id"
. "\n FROM #__users"
. "\n WHERE sendEmail = 1"
$db->setQuery( $query );
$users = $db->loadResultArray(false);
foreach ($users as $user_id) {
$msg = new mosMessage( $db );
// send message from admin
$msg->send( $user_id, $user_id, $subject, $content);
else {
$content = str_replace("\n","<br/>",$content);
echo "$content";
function translate( $content, $reference_table, $language, $tableArray=array()) { MambelFish::warnAdmin(); return $content;}
function translateList( $rows, $reference_table, $language , $tableArray) { MambelFish::warnAdmin(); return $rows;}
class JoomFish {
function translateListCached ($rows, $language , $tableArray) {
JoomFish::translateList($rows, $language , $tableArray);
return $rows;
* Translate a list
function translateList( &$rows, $language , $tableArray) {
if (!isset($rows) || !is_array($rows)) return $rows;
$registry =& JFactory::getConfig();
$defaultLang = $registry->getValue("config.defaultlang");
$db =& JFactory::getDBO();
$querySQL = $db->_sql;
// do not try to translate if I have no fields!!!
if (!isset($tableArray) || count($tableArray)==0) {
//echo "$tableArray $querySQL<br>";
// If I write content in non-default language then this skips the translation!
//if($language == $defaultLang) return $rows;
$rowsLanguage = $language;
if (count($rows)>0){
foreach ($tableArray["fieldTablePairs"] as $key=>$value){
$reftable = $tableArray["fieldTablePairs"][$key];
$alias = $tableArray["tableAliases"][$reftable];
// If there is not translated content for this table then skip it!
if (!$db->translatedContentAvailable($reftable)) continue;
// get primary key for tablename
$idkey = $_JOOMFISH_MANAGER->getPrimaryKey( trim($reftable) );
// I actually need to check the primary key against the alias list!
for ($i=0;$i<$tableArray["fieldCount"];$i++){
if (!array_key_exists($i,$tableArray["fieldTableAliasData"])) continue;
// look for fields from the correct table with the correct name
if (($tableArray["fieldTableAliasData"][$i]["tableName"]==$reftable) &&
&& ($tableArray["fieldTableAliasData"][$i]["tableNameAlias"]==$alias)){
// NASTY KLUDGE TO DEAL WITH SQL CONSTRUCTION IN contact.php, weblinks.php where multiple tables to be translated all use "id" which gets dropped! etc.
if ($reftable=='categories' && isset($content->catid) && $content->catid>0) {
$idkey = "catid";
if ($reftable=='sections' && count($rows)>0 && isset($content->sectionid) && $content->sectionid>0) {
$idkey = "sectionid";
$idstring = "";
$idlist = array(); // temp variable to make sure all ids in idstring are unique (for neatness more than performance)
foreach( array_keys( $rows) as $key ) {
$content =& $rows[$key];
if (isset($content->$idkey) && !in_array($content->$idkey,$idlist)) {
//print ($idkey ." ".$content->$idkey." list<br>");
$idstring .= (strlen( $idstring)>0?",":""). $content->$idkey;
$idlist[] = $content->$idkey;
if (strlen( $idstring)==0) continue;
JoomFish::translateListWithIDs( $rows, $idstring, $reftable, $language ,$idkey, $tableArray, $querySQL);
function translateListWithIDs( &$rows, $ids, $reference_table, $language, $refTablePrimaryKey="id", & $tableArray, $querySQL, $allowfallback=true )
//print " translateListWithIDs for ids=$ids refTablePrimaryKey=$refTablePrimaryKey<br>" ;
$config =& JFactory::getConfig();
$debug = $config->get("dbprefix");
$registry =& JFactory::getConfig();
$defaultLang = $registry->getValue("config.defaultlang");
$db =& JFactory::getDBO();
// setup Joomfish pluginds
$dispatcher =& JDispatcher::getInstance();
if ($reference_table == "languages" || $reference_table == "jf_content" ) {
return; // I can't translate myself ;-)
$results = $dispatcher->trigger('onBeforeTranslation', array (&$rows, &$ids, $reference_table, $language, $refTablePrimaryKey, & $tableArray, $querySQL, $allowfallback));
// find reference table alias
$reftableAlias = $reference_table;
for ($i=0;$i<$tableArray["fieldCount"];$i++){
if (!array_key_exists($i,$tableArray["fieldTableAliasData"])) continue;
if ($tableArray["fieldTableAliasData"][$i]["tableName"]==$reference_table &&
$tableArray["fieldTableAliasData"][$i]["fieldNameAlias"]==$refTablePrimaryKey ){
$reftableAlias = $tableArray["fieldTableAliasData"][$i]["tableNameAlias"];
// NASTY KLUDGE TO DEAL WITH SQL CONSTRUCTION IN contact.php, weblinks.php where multiple tables to be translated all use "id" which gets dropped! etc.
$currentRow = current($rows);
// must not check on catid>0 since this would be uncategorised items
if ($reference_table=='categories' && count($rows)>0 && isset($currentRow->catid) ) {
$reftableAlias = $tableArray["tableAliases"]["categories"];
if ($reference_table=='sections' && count($rows)>0 && isset($currentRow->sectionid)) {
$reftableAlias = $tableArray["tableAliases"]["sections"];
//print " translateListWithIDs( ".count($rows). ", ids=$ids, reftab=$reference_table, $language, primkey = $refTablePrimaryKey )<br>";
if ($debug) {
echo "<p><strong>JoomFish debug (new):</strong><br>"
. "reference_table=$reference_table<br>"
. "$refTablePrimaryKey IN($ids)<br>"
. "language=$language<br>"
.(count($rows)>0? "class=" .get_class(current($rows)):"")
. "</p>";
static $languages;
if (!isset($languages)){
$jfm = JoomFishManager::getInstance();
$languages = $jfm->getLanguagesIndexedByCode();
// process fallback language
$idarray = explode(",",$ids);
if ($languages[$language]->fallback_code==""){
else {
$fallbacklanguage = $languages[$language]->fallback_code;
if (!array_key_exists($fallbacklanguage, $languages)){
if (isset($ids) && $reference_table!='') {
$user =& JFactory::getUser();
$published = ($user->gid<21)?"\n AND jf_content.published=1":"";
//$published = "\n AND jf_content.published=1";
$sql = "SELECT jf_content.reference_field, jf_content.value, jf_content.reference_id, jf_content.original_value "
. "\nFROM #__jf_content AS jf_content"
. "\nWHERE jf_content.language_id=".$languages[$language]->id
. $published
. "\n AND jf_content.reference_id IN($ids)"
. "\n AND jf_content.reference_table='$reference_table'"
$db->setQuery( $sql );
$translations = $db->loadObjectList('',false);
if (count($translations)>0){
$fieldmap = null;
foreach( array_keys( $rows) as $key ) {
$row_to_translate =& $rows[$key];
//print_r ($row_to_translate); print"<br>";
if( isset( $row_to_translate->$refTablePrimaryKey ) ) {
foreach ($translations as $row){
if ($row->reference_id!=$row_to_translate->$refTablePrimaryKey) continue;
// TODO - consider building array for refFields. Some queries may have multiple aliases e.g. SELECT a.*, a.field as fieldalias
$refField = $row->reference_field;
$fieldmatch=false; // This is used to confirm the field is from the correct table
for ($i=0;$i<$tableArray["fieldCount"];$i++){
if (!array_key_exists($i,$tableArray["fieldTableAliasData"])) continue;
// look for fields from the correct table with the correct name
if ($tableArray["fieldTableAliasData"][$i]["tableName"]==$reference_table &&
$tableArray["fieldTableAliasData"][$i]["fieldName"]==$refField &&
$tableArray["fieldTableAliasData"][$i]["tableNameAlias"] == $reftableAlias){
$fieldIndex = $i;
if ($fieldmatch && isset( $row->reference_id) && $row->reference_id==$row_to_translate->$refTablePrimaryKey && $fieldIndex<=$tableArray["fieldCount"]){
if (is_subclass_of($row_to_translate, 'mosDBTable')) {
$row_to_translate->set($row->reference_field, $row->value);
} else {
$row_to_translate->$refField = $row->value;
//print_r( $row_to_translate);
if (!$rowTranslationExists){
if ($allowfallback && isset($rows[$key]->$refTablePrimaryKey)){
$fallbackrows[$key] =& $rows[$key];
$fallbackids[$key] = $rows[$key]->$refTablePrimaryKey;
else {
$results = $dispatcher->trigger('onMissingTranslation', array (&$row_to_translate, $language,$reference_table, $tableArray, $querySQL));
//JoomFish::processMissingTranslation($row_to_translate, $language,$reference_table);
else {
foreach( array_keys( $rows ) as $key ) {
if ($allowfallback && isset($rows[$key]->$refTablePrimaryKey)){
$fallbackrows[$key] =& $rows[$key];
$fallbackids[$key] = $rows[$key]->$refTablePrimaryKey;
else {
$results = $dispatcher->trigger('onMissingTranslation', array (&$rows[$key], $language,$reference_table, $tableArray, $querySQL));
//JoomFish::processMissingTranslation($rows[$key], $language,$reference_table);
if ($allowfallback && count($fallbackrows)>0 ){
$fallbackids = implode($fallbackids,",");
JoomFish::translateListWithIDs( $fallbackrows, $fallbackids, $reference_table, $fallbacklanguage, $refTablePrimaryKey, $tableArray,$querySQL, false);
$dispatcher->trigger('onAfterTranslation', array (&$rows, $ids, $reference_table, $language, $refTablePrimaryKey, $tableArray, $querySQL, $allowfallback));
function _contentElementFields($reference_table){
static $info;
if (!isset($info)){
$info = array();
if (!isset($info[$reference_table])){
$cacheDir = JPATH_CACHE;
$cacheFile = $cacheDir."/".$reference_table."_cefields.cache";
if (file_exists($cacheFile)){
$cacheFileContent = file_get_contents($cacheFile);
$info[$reference_table] = unserialize($cacheFileContent);
else {
$jfm =& JoomFishManager::getInstance();
$contentElement = $jfm->getContentElement( $reference_table );
// The language is not relevant for this function so just use the current language
$registry =& JFactory::getConfig();
$lang = $registry->getValue("config.jflang");
JLoader::import( 'models.ContentObject',JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.DS."components".DS."com_joomfish");
$contentObject = new ContentObject( $jfm->getLanguageID($lang), $contentElement );
$textFields = $contentObject->getTextFields();
$info[$reference_table]["textFields"] = $textFields ;
$info[$reference_table]["fieldTypes"] = array();
if( $textFields !== null ) {
$defaultSet = false;
foreach ($textFields as $field) {
$info[$reference_table]["fieldTypes"][$field] = $contentObject->getFieldType($field);
$cacheFileContent = serialize($info[$reference_table]);
$handle = @fopen($cacheFile,"w");
if ($handle){
return $info[$reference_table];
* Version information of the component
* @author Alex Kempkens
function version() {
return JoomFishManager :: getVersion();